Week Nine, Taking it Easy

IMG_20121125_193144Not much to tell about this week to be honest. Thursday evening we hung out with the Swedes and Fins and played some pool. I haven’t gotten any better at it. Normal sort of class schedule up until Saturday where we had a class at 8am, I was incredibly happy about this as you can imagine. That night one of our Austrian buddies invited a couple of us to his flat for a dinner; home made organic bread, pasta with chicken and a pastry poppy dessert, lovely. Later he brought us to a moody cocktail bar that seemed like the sort of place only locals know about. On Sunday I made pancakes and in return the Turks made me dinner, success! Egg fried beef with peas, carrots and bread. Clean plate!

The whole town is gearing up for Christmas and it feels like they take it far more seriously than Ireland, I reckon that might be the case because they don’t celebrate Halloween.

Week9, a set on Flickr.