Vienna Auto Show 2013

IMG_20130113_142358Took a day trip to Vienna on Sunday with the Swedes and Finns. They have a design class in which one group is investigating what the interior of a driverless car would look like and another looking at what a solar powered car of the future might resemble. I of course joined them because I’m a petrol head and don’t require a reason to leer at the latest automotive offerings. While I was disappointed for them as there were less concept cars than I had expected the show itself was quite good and had a few hidden gems like the Toyota 2000 GT and Lexus LFA. We spent a few hours more in Vienna, took a quick look at St. Stephens Cathedral and had some grub, I’m getting quite the taste for goulash. I apologise for the average photo quality, I had to use my phone because my camera had a hissy fit and decided that it would do everything other than take a picture despite my best attempts at resolving the problem. It of course decided for no reason at all to start working on the train home, marvellous.

And so there it is, the week that was.

Vienna Auto Show 2013, a set on Flickr.